Okay, it's day 2 of my blog. Didn't think I would even get this far. So how about a "day in the life" for today? So last night I stayed up too late. Even tried to play the wii thing with Bryan...he kicked my a@@ in tennis. WTF?
He doesn't even know
how to play tennis! So at right about 11 nick woke up...he was sleeping on a blanket in zack's room-that's the new thing at our house. Nick has to be in the nursery while I'm nursing zack to sleep. Then he falls asleep and I'm supposed to pick him up and carry him to bed...my bed, of course. Right. If the kid's asleep, he's staying asleep right where he is. But anyway, he woke up calling for me and of course woke Z up also. So bryan took nick to bed and I got zack back to sleep. Until 1, when he woke up again. And 33o, when he woke up again. I never got back to bed. Stayed in that stupid rocking chair until 630 when we all got up. Of course, did I actually
sleep??? Not so much. So anyway, that was the start of the day. So we're all up, and I'm making blueberry pancakes for the kids. It's my day off, so they don't have to eat the instant oatmeal that dad feeds them
every morning. Anyway, so it's getting close to school time....where's nick's bag, coat, hat, gloves, shoes?????? Dad runs around like a chicken with his head cut off. And they're late. Again. Great way to start the new year.
So Zack and I are here at home. Good for us. I get to start my day (off) by cleaning up the kitchen, and of course the baby. And let the dogs out and back in. Puppy (stupid!) has to be on a tie-out cable. She digs under the fence. Great fun for all! So back to the cleaning. After cleaning kitchen, unloading and reloading dishwasher, cleaning and redressing baby, I start putting away his clean clothes. Find some of Nicks. Go to his room to put them up. Decide (?!) to clean out his closet. The child now has
no clothes. Yep, everything was too small. Cleaned out the dressers, his desk, bookcase.... Got rid of lots of
CRAP that I could never have convinced him to part with. Anyway, now I have a sleepy baby. But school gets out at 1045, so we can't nap yet. Get out the vaccuum (don't you just love that word? Mine is great...a purple dyson...LOVE it!) which zack loves. We clean all the bedrooms. Now he is
really tired. No way I can keep him awake until time for school to get out. Go to his room and nurse down for a quick nap. Go clean both upstairs bathrooms while he sleeps. Oh yeah, throw another load of laundry in while I'm grabbing cleaning stuff. Now it's time to go get nick. Actually, we're late. As usual. He's the last kid sitting there waiting. Poor baby. On the way back home my mom calls. "Where are we?" Same place at 11 am every day off. Going back home from school. (he stays in the "daycare" side after pre-K on the days I work...unless she decided to go pick him up). Anyway, back to the call. "Come for lunch." As if I have time.... But dutiful daughter I am, we go over there. Stay for about an hour and the blessed baby starts acting tired again. Good boy! Excuse to leave! Now I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I have mountains of stuff to do at home!!! So back in the van and back across town to home. Let the dogs out and in again. Now Zack is playing with the puppy, so he's forgotten he's tired. Do another load of laundry. Put away some more clothes in nicks closet (whew, forgot he had some dirty clothes....doesn't look quite so empty in his closet now!). Clean up dog pee. Sweep the whole downstairs. Mop the whole downstairs. Keep baby out of mop bucket. See stranger walking slowly up and down block. Call police. Realize it is new neighbor from up the block, maybe writing down people's names and addresses? Call police back, just as cruiser shows up in front of house. Thankfully they don't actually point me (or my house out). Looks like just a friendly chat. Yeah, on a cul-de-sac. Cops cruise our street
all the time. Man probably wonders what kind of a crazy neighborhood they moved into! Back to cleaning. More dog pee. More mopping. Now zack is tired again. Switch over laundry again, take baby up and rock/nurse down to nap. Come back downstairs and clean like a crazy woman. Kitchen and downstairs bathroom this time. Nick helps by dusting the living room and dining room furniture. His future wife will thank me! Make him a snack, get out "moon sand", let dogs out and back in. Again. Fold/hang more laundry. Wash more laundry. Clean laundry room. Start fire in fireplace in basement for nick to play down there. Doesn't work. Call Bryan for help. Try again. Doesn't work. Tell nick to play upstairs. Squash impending temper tantrum by telling daddy all about the police cars. Pick up toys in living room and put in categories in laundry room on shelves. Feed fish, wishing they would all float and stinky tank could go away. Start DVD for nick. Clean up his snack. Have snack for myself, so i can take antibiotic I forgot to take in morning. Hear zack wake up. Take more laundry upstairs and fold towels with his "help" :-). Back downstairs. Sit. Watch kids watch tv ("your baby can read!"). Watch kids string toys all over living room that I just cleaned. Sigh and start supper. Greet husband at front door with hug and kiss (HA!!!!!). Hand husband stinky poopy baby and tell him to give him a bath. Feed everyone a wonderful meal of "hamburger helper" and applesauce. (don't even go there.....) Clean up supper, put nick in PJ's. He doesn't want a bath tonight. Who cares? Brush teeth (the kids), make nick's 'blanket bed' in zack's room, and rock zack to sleep. Fall asleep myself. Wake up at 8 to take own shower and put on PJ's. Last load of laundry in. Write in stupid blog. Take last load of laundry upstairs. Get out scrubs so they won't be took wrinkled for work tomorrow. Leave rest of clothes in basket for husband to put away tomorrow (HA!). Oh, and clean up house slipper that (stupid!) puppy has chewed up on the stairs while i typed. Go to bed.
Sounds fun, doesn't it. Just my typical day. All kinds of fun and excitement over here in missouri! Oh, and let's now forget. Today was my day OFF!