Thursday, January 3, 2008

My first blog

Okay, here it first "blog" entry. Who comes up with this stuff, anyway? I mean, who had time to sit in front of their box (excuse me to all of you techies out there who love computers!) and decide there needed to be a whole new way to communicate with the outside world? Anyway, back to the subject at hand...I decided to try something new for the new year. And hopefully this will save me a little grief in the process. You see, I'm a pretty mean person. I'm really opinionated, extremely judgemental, and very short tempered. My coworkers and my husband are the exact opposites of me. So I manage to shock and amaze them on a daily basis. Maybe here, in the anonymity of cyberspace I can get out some of that "inner me" and she won't follow me around all the time! Only time will tell.

So anyway, what do we do in this "blog" world? Do I just rant (oh, I'm about my day? Hmmmm, pretty clasic way to start. Today was a really strange day at my house. First of all, I've been sick for a full month. Yes, it started right around Thanksgiving and is still hanging on. So finally I decided yesterday that I'd had enough. After work I went down and checked myself into convenient care for treatment. Bronchitis. Bad. 2 hours, 2 breathing treatments, and a chest xray later I left for home. First stopped off at mom and dads to pick up the boys. While I was there the shakes hit. The RT had warned me about them, and boy was he right! I was so jittery I just had to sit on the couch for a while. Then the chills came back. I was watching the clock thinking that maybe bryan was coming home early, but no such luck. Late as usual (when i need him, that is!!!). Anyway, we finally made it home and he gave the boys their bath while I took a nice hot shower. Oh, took my temp before the shower....103.4. There's the reason I felt like crap!!! Anyway, I had fever and chills all night....bad enough that I didn't go to work today...and get this, neither did Bryan! He actually stayed home to take care of me! That's a first. Seriously, even after the boys were born. He brings me home from the hospital, and BOOM right back to work. So anyway, this is a strange day at our house. I actually took a nap, and haven't really done anything all day. Obviously feeling much better already...I use the inhaler 4x per day, take a dose of prednisone, and 2 of augmentin. Pretty weak antibiotic, I know, but I'm still nursing Z, so that's about all I can take.

So here I am typing away. At 930. I'm always in bed by now. The dogs are looking at me like I'm crazy. It's usally bryan sitting here until midnight, and I'm upstairs passed out with the kids. I keep listening for Zack on the monitor, but he's sleeping pretty good tonight. I might not be "beckoned" until around 11. That gives me time to get a shower and do some laundry, yeah! Oh, the life of the married with children. But I wouldn't give them up for anything, so I guess I'll just make the best of it (yep, just like every other tired mom in america!!!!)! Enough for now. This was kind of fun, maybe I'll do it again someday!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Keep up the blogging. I have a feeling you will have a very entertaining blog!! Sorry that you've felt like such crap lately, but I'm glad you finally went and got something to help get rid of the nasty bronchitis! Ugh. Hope you feel better soon!!